The Proposal for the Technology! series has been in development for over two years and includes information that underwriters, public television and network syndicators need to evaluate the production.

Included below is  the "Concept Page". Here the producers and developers of the program spell out what they believe qualifies the program and why --in their opinion --it will be significant. 


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New technologies in medicine are featured in several episodes of the series. Above, a technician works with a prototype device allowing surgeons to monitor a patient's vital signs while doing emergency surgery in the field.





New and innovative technologies were needed in the aftermath of the attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Above, firefighter uses a handheld heat sensor, capable of "visualizing" heat masses in the earth. 

Public and commercial television, most viewers agree, are at their best when presenting positive and entertaining stories that are personally relevant and up to the highest creative, technical, and production standards.  That sums up our fundamental goal.  However, we also want the series to be delightful.

Current Fare (delightful?)

From the viewpoint of content and production values, “high technology” themes on commercial television have been disappointing: science fiction mayhem about battling computers and robots typifies most series of the type for the last forty years. Kids, teens, and even adults love the action and may even be inspired by the gear and activity. However, beyond the routine action/adventure values, there is very little else.  Its too bad that there is much more fiction than fact on TV dramas about new technologies. 

Documentary series, of course, are different.  So far, the majority of commercial and non-commercial documentaries on high technology have displayed the process in a cold reportorial format. While a few documentary producers have taken a lighter tone, most producers cling to the text book retelling of “how lasers work” or “what an MRI (Magnet Resonance Imaging) device does”. 



TECHNOLOGY ! is different. It’s about results or, more specifically, the tangible and intangible benefits to all of us from the new technologies. The producers will use a solid and effective documentary technique that takes a self-seeking approach to high tech. The series vividly presents achievements made possible through cooperation between academia, industry and many branches of the government, particularly the military and the Space Program. We see the achievements as spectacular and wonderfully watchable television. But the best parts of TECHNOLOGY! come as we discover the myriad of uses to which new technological discoveries are put.

Viewers will welcome TECHNOLOGY ! as much for its results-oriented attitude as for the exceptional stories. Unlike much of the pseudo-scientific fantasy and melodrama on television today, the focus of TECHNOLOGY ! is on real people and genuine accomplishment.  We will see scientists and others (like you and me) whose goals are to learn more about the world around us.

TECHNOLOGY ! provides several intriguing answers to a question all of us  have asked about technological growth:  TECHNOLOGY ! answers the question of why.



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